At this time of the year I am constantly reminded that love and goodness fills everyone’s hearts the moment we are first born. For most, this loving of others continues for the rest of our lives.
I was inspired to read on a teacher’s whiteboard that the class was collecting students’ acts of kindness in their community; children were encouraged to share their talents and bring joy to others. This was their personal gift to their community.
I loved reading a Christmas flash news story how two sisters decided to collect dresses for other girls who didn’t have a special dress to admire and wear. In a second story students were collecting backpacks filled with school supplies for new immigrants to our country. In the inner city people were taking time to share their extra restaurant and store foods with the homeless. These stories bring joy to our hearts and reminds everyone to share.
Little store fronts were set up for families to come and shop for their loved ones and then have their gifts specially wrapped. The joy on their faces as they were leaving and thinking, “Where am I going to hide these treasures before Christmas?” Our community sets up so many ways for people to give to each other. Last October a whole community came together to plan a special Christmas in October for a young boy who would not live to see his next Christmas.
Christmas is not the only celebration at this time of year. People celebrate other special days and weeks and share their unique practices and how they give to others from their hearts. Congregations open their doors to their larger communities so everyone can experience the excitement they feel in their places of worship, and taste and share their cultural treats and customs.
We are so lucky to live in this wonderful country, CANADA, where we daily experience the freedoms of democracy; all people are equal and treated with respect.
This is a perfect time of year to remember we are part of a loving race, Mankind, and to keep that thought all year long.
December 2015